My healing and spiritual journey began with my own search for meaning through a traumatic time in my life. My identity and who I knew myself to be had dissolved in an instant. I was left wondering how I got there and how it could be happening to me. Worse than the disbelief was the knowing that it was the choices I had made along way that somehow brought me there and I had no idea how to climb out. Some refer to this as their “dark night of the soul”. All I knew was that I needed to get off the floor.
I started taking classes and reading books, desperate to find the answers. What I began to see were these strengths I had, to cope and go on, that I never knew were within me. Through fierce honesty, a lot of guidance from wonderful professionals, and a resolute commitment to heal, I have come through that “dark night” to a happier and more peaceful me.
I have focused my training and practice on helping others heal from trauma. Trauma can mean many things; our response to a real or perceived life-threatening event or the repeated abuse and neglect that triggers our survival response. I’m particularly passionate about helping our warriors on their journey home to healing. I am certified in EMDR, Trained in TRM Level 2 for somatic work, and EAGALA certified for equine therapy.
Allow me to share the wisdom of my journey and walk with you on the path to healing.